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Yes, we do offer a free version of the product. Please sign in to 10Q Reports to try the free version. Go to http://10qreports.com/pricing/ to see our pricing plans. Thanks.
Thank you for using 10QReports . The mobile apps for 10Q Reports are coming soon!
Yes, we have provision for CSV / Excel export for the financial reports. Go to the reports and open the right drawer.Click on the “Download CSV” option to download the reports. Thanks.
Thank you for using 10QReports. The SEC filings of US public companies contain rich information which is typically lost by the time these reports are made available to investors by massaging the data into standardized formats. 10Q-Reports aims to make this information available to financial professionals by providing reports in the original format that the company reported in.
Please email us at feedback@10qreports.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Axis information represents a way that financial elements is reported with different segments or broken down into different classes. E.g. revenue by product or service, components of total equity (e.g., common, preferred) while also showing the relationships between separately reported elements. Axis Inline option is used to show classified data under structured data of non axis head
Thank you for using 10QReports. Please email us at feedback@10qreports.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for using 10QReports. TTM is Trailing 12 Months. TTM can be found on the right hand side bar, by clicking on TTM one can get the data from the past 12 consecutive months.
Thank you for using 10QReports. To share the information on social media, click on the share icon available on the left hand side and choose the platform you wish to share on.
Thank you for using 10QReports. Watchlist enlists the the companies that you have bookmarked. To bookmark a company simply click on the star icon on the left hand side.
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